Sybil.Muzak Beatzphere Club‘s technological choices, I do. Future machines are hard to choose, some thousand Euros are necessary to find a strong motherboarded PC or laptop. The size of RAM has to be adjusted to it, as well as processors, and graphic card in GBs, of course. Some prefer small intern drives, many extern. Wifi signals should be strong, and the screen big and hertzed perfectly. I decided to take time and research, so I read all this high speed parts of the machine could be updated one or two month later with bigger sizes, of course.
I like my phone, although it is a cheap version in galaxies. It has fingerprint sensors, which make me feel relaxed. I enjoy trying apps, some video, photo and music applications serve simple shorts very well. My cam has 48MP when I choose 3:4 photo size. Sound and speakers are strong enough to cooperate with VLC’s 200% volume, my hearing devices, too.
This pandemie changed my life insofar, as I decided to stay at home and occupy myself with new knowledge, applications to be busy on-the-go, and health. My coxarthrosis has to be cared for, so I will be training lightweight until I feel so. Plants according to the concepts of healing, bearing fruit and supporting human life without poison were viewed throughout all the Inet. I have learned how to make trees from seeds, and care for greens on a south side hotter window outside sill. They get biowater twice a day, currently. Berries, grapes, trees grow side by side and protect from heat, strong sunrays and light, dust, loudness of cars and underground, dogpark flies and bad air, supermarket shoppers and last, but not least, produce fresh air.
Sybil 2021
For weeks, I add and delete computers from my favourites lists to find out, which one of these machines would serve me for my next productions. In August, I prepare to decide the setting and acoustic additions. It was a long break in that pandemia shocks, but now I know I am immunized twice and hopefully live on the rather safe side of virus.