Having prepared for an audition, some nice photos I shot. Franz Purer, Mike Surprise and me will sing – me, Sybil – and play – Franz and Mike – play the guitar – on 26, October 2021. There will be a small fest at KUG Bisamberg, but it must be sunny.
Franz Purer, Mike Surprise and I were starting with the chorus of Rehab by Amy Winehouse. I brought some copies of harmony notes, plus text to study the melodies, the rythm, phrasing and acommodation of my voice. The song is easy to hear, Amy sings it beuatifully, and the verses have dynamics, which are not so easy to sing or acquire phrasing. In some online verrsions, she sings all words, but basically it is easier to leave out small fillers. Fillerword in lyrics are words, which don’t change the sense of the text very much. “I didn’t a lot in class”, for instance, is easier to sing and it is in Amy’s videos. Franz chose the title for entertainment purposes, the guests would like to sing with us. “A bottle a-near”, by the way, because wine will be tested.
I train my vibration skills, vibrato, tremolo and singing feely. Yesterday, I started to add my guitar at home, but the battery was empty. It was a Duracell, quader, if you know what I mean. I feel very happy to be invited to sing, for fun and small Heuriger is a nice thing to communicate. Alexandra’s BDay bash and our Franz, Mike & Sybil music will entertain Alexandra’s friends. We got solve small problems, like the carriage of amps, instruments, and gear for acoustic purposes must be organized without benzin devices. Which means,we got to take the tram or bus, or call Faxi, rent an ECar or carrier bikes.
My second song to perform will be Angie by the Rolling Stones. There is nothing more to say, than “where will this lead us from here”, because from this lyrics on, the singing on beat one or two varies. Namely the name Angie. I listen to some versions over and over to be able to defend myselves. Franz and Mike prefer accuracy, and only the best may improvise, they say. So I kind of copy and imitate. Mimesis.