Documentation: 4. Klimastreik Vienna, Austria

Dec 02, 2019 by Sybil - 0 Comments

I feel so happy with the young people and their free will. They are immovable and should be, as I learned, when I was small. I adhere to their creative powers and their intentions to change the future. They are right. We grown-ups should listen to them or be with them more often to feel reality and life.

The atmosphere was hot and tension spread around the young human beings, who insist upon their free will and daring dreams. “How Do You Dare?”, became a famous question brought to the people by Greta Thunberg. She is an amazing young woman, catching her audience with her authentic emotions and spontaneous gesture. The babies, the children, the youth, they spoke about it and shouted, “I want a perfect climate”. Some feel desperate with the thought not to be able to breath anymore or to have to use breathing machines in the future. All these young human beings, they are decidedly steady. The boys carried the banners, not even twelve years old. The youth of this earth, they will never ever stop to resist destructive environmental strategies.

It was hard for me: I undertook the enterprise to film and to document my first OKiTALK report from the streets. The according private TV stations like filmed footage, so my little cam helped me to stay on track for more than two hours. The battery was empty then, and my SD Card full of 64GB footage. I went with the young people, babies and musicians, from Krieau subway station to Praterstern City. Many thousand participants sang and danced, the boys made fun and the sun was shining. It was a perfect November day, we were walking down Vorgartenstrasse and Ausstellungsstrasse to Praterstern City. There under the bridge, the young people stopped and sang. They explained, that they want to exit oil business to change to alternative forms of energy, like solar energy.

I would like to find Musicians For Future to find new energy strategies, please write me to I live sustainable since my childhood and I have near to zero plastic in my body. Here is a video cut of the 29th of November Vienna Klimastreik around the world. Please contact me at, if you want to see copies or load your USB stick for a fee:
Coming Soon


 🙄  Thanks to Onipaa, Joni & Jack. 😛 

God Bless You All. 






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