Exitement For Future

Jul 20, 2021 by Sybil - 0 Comments

This exiting future develops very fast, electric, solar, water, kinetic and air power are available around the globe. From hoverboard with propeller, longboards and child seat, to new cycles with sensors and autodrive, all will be environmentally save. Emissionlessness is the challenging directive since years, and additionally, the climate emergeny becomes more evident in Europe, in North America, in Asia, Australia, and last, but not least, Africa.

On the phone, I hear that the jungle goes back one meter each year in West Africa. The plants look like halfly grown on social media calls. Water for human beings, animals and plants are a problem. In the U. S. A. somebody invented solar cells to produce water from the air and sunlight. This is a perfect solution for Africa, Asia, and all dry regions on this globe. We need to donate more money to U. N. against hunger.

What can an individual do to help the globe out of this climate catastrophy? I research the internet, fora, email lists, and send around climate strike dates, then whens and where abouts to meet, sing, speak and make clear, what our future can carry. And what not, of course. Somewhere in Inet I found, that the probability of more and more heat and heatdays is very high. We will have to get used to it, for one hundred years or more, even if we would stop all emissions today!

Greenpeace people and friends are heroes already. I told everybody since I realized, which was in the 1970ies. I was beaten for the attempts to join the “green” movements, because “good girls” were not supposed to do such resistance. Speaking about the changes, writing about them, and communicating green problems were allowed.

I feel so happy, that the European Union discusses about when to stop “Verbrennungsmotoren”, motors which burn natural ressources to go on. I feel so glad, that youth, and not only #FridaysForFuture are successful protest organizations.

Recently, when I was filming the rising Danube, I spoke to a small boy in the upcoming storm. He was there on his small bike, and expressed his worries for all that rain and climate catastrophies. I promised to stay on track, and support our all future – children and youth – for the rest of my life. We owe stability, health, earth to them. We born them, so we need to care for their habitat, well being, and health.

Children utter their fears and cry, very often. I feel deeply connected to them, because watching them hungering or dehydrated puts me very much down. They fear sufferance, pains, fear, shocks, heat, the sun, wild new animals, and all possible changes. They say, we would be toast, soon.

Resilience is and will be incredibly important. We will have to go through all those man – made problems. Human beings are the only living creatures, who destroy their habitat earth, knowingly. It’s devilish, I fear.

In September 2021, climate strike worldwide takes place in bigger cities, on the streets and in the homes. Please show us with photos, video or voice report, how you participate in this change! It is great to find solutions to make us feel better. Each human being should involve into action for human beings, animals, plants and/or environment.

Together we can do it!

God will help us!

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